Unified Model

How to value, hedge, and manage the risk of any portfolio

Keith A. Lewis

January 26, 2025

What Quants Do

Not a talk about abstract math. Nothing new. Things every practitioners knows. Tie together things you already know in a bow. Stop me if anything is not perfectly clear

What Quants Don’t

Continuous time is baloney. Heston model/Yield curves? Two fundamental problems. Double barrier option.


Holdings are the atoms of finance.

Instruments and entities change slowly over time. Amount depends on things. A(I,E,T)


Holdings interact through trades.

Time depends on things. Price depends on things. X(t;i,e;i',a',e'). Heisenberg.


Prices depend on time, the instruments, the entities, and the amount the buyer wants to acquire, among other things.

The sample space can be big.

Cash Flow

Stocks have dividends, bonds have coupons, futures have margin adjustments, commodities have holding costs, …

Cash flows get short shrift in the MF literature. We do not model issuers

Market (Model)

A market model specifies possible future prices and cash flows of instruments.

It’s not the market. See Unified Finance for details.


A trading strategy specifies when, what, and how much to trade.

Want to get kicked off a trading floor? Trade when you can, not when you have to. Almgren, … Least Action???


Arbitrage exists (for a model) if there exists a trading strategy that eventually closes out with A_{τ_0} > 0 and A_t\ge 0, t > τ_0.

Closed out is essential. Just ask Nick Leeson.


The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing. No arbitrage if and only if there exist deflators D_t\colon\Omega\to(0,\infty) such that X_tD_t = E_t[X_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u} C_s D_s], where E_t is conditional expectation at time t.


If X_tD_t = E_t[X_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u} C_s D_s], then V_tD_t = E_t[V_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u} A_s D_s].

Does this formula exist in the literature?


Easy direction: deflators imply no arbitrage.

If A_t \ge 0, t > 0, then V_0 D_0 = E_0\left[\sum_{t > 0} A_t D_t\right] \ge 0. Since V_0 = Γ_0\cdot X_0 = -A_0, A_0\le 0 so there is no arbitrage.


Hard direction: no need to prove!

Given any vector-valued martingale M_t and any deflator D_t X_t D_t = M_t - \sum_{s \le t} C_s D_s is an arbitrage free model.

Proof: More high school algebra.

Thank goodness!

Canonical Deflator

If the market has repos then D_t = e^{-\int_0^t f_s\,ds} where f_s is the repo/short rate at time s.

You caught me!


A zero coupon bond D(u) has C_u = 1.


A forward rate agreement F^δ(t,u) has C_t = -1, C_u = 1 + fδ, where δ is the dcf for the interval from t to u.


A FRA \bar{F}^δ(t,u) paying in arrears has one cash flow C_u = (f - F_t(t,u))δ.


The Black-Merton/Scholes model is M_t = (r, s e^{σ B_t - σ^2t/2}), D_t = e^{-ρt}, so X_t = M_t/D_t = (e^{ρt}, se^{σ B_t + (ρ - σ^2)t/2}).


Given a set of amounts A_j at t_j how do we find a trading strategy that produces these?


Trajectory of mathematical finance is increasingly accurate models covering all instruments.

Incorporate trading strategies when measuring risk.

Monte Carlo all the things! We have Moore’s Law on our side and can put the ML headcount to good use.

Provide real-time valuation and risk reporting across all asset classes.