How to value, hedge, and manage the risk of
any portfolio
Keith A. Lewis
January 26, 2025
What Quants Do
Model prices and cash flows.
Fit model parameters to market data.
Compute expected values and derivatives.
Specify hedges/trading strategies.
Provide measures of how good a hedge is.
Not a talk about abstract math. Nothing new. Things every
practitioners knows. Tie together things you already know in a bow. Stop
me if anything is not perfectly clear
What Quants Don’t
Provide realistic models.
Specify when to hedge.
Use parameters traders understand.
Manage risk.
Continuous time is baloney. Heston model/Yield curves? Two
fundamental problems. Double barrier option.
Holdings are the atoms of finance.
A holding(i,a,e) is an
instrument, amount, and entity.
Value: V_t = (Δ_t + Γ_t)\cdot X_t
is the mark-to-market.
Amount: A_t = Δ_t\cdot C_t - Γ_t\cdot
X_t shows up in the trade blotter.
Want to get kicked off a trading floor? Trade when you can, not when
you have to. Almgren, … Least Action???
Arbitrage exists (for a model) if there exists a trading strategy
that eventually closes out with A_{τ_0} >
0 and A_t\ge 0, t > τ_0.
Make money up front and never lose money until strategy is
Closed out means the position is zero after some finite
This definition does not depend on a measure.
Traders consider RoI: A_0/|Γ_0|\cdot
Closed out is essential. Just ask Nick Leeson.
The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing. No arbitrage if and only if
there exist deflatorsD_t\colon\Omega\to(0,\infty) such that
X_tD_t = E_t[X_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u} C_s D_s],
where E_t is conditional
expectation at time t.
If C_t = 0, deflated prices are a
As u\to\infty, value is discounted
future cash flows.
X_tD_t = E_t[X_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u} C_s D_s],
V_tD_t = E_t[V_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u} A_s D_s].