January 26, 2025
The financial world is a big, messy affair but its core involves trading instruments and bean counting: who traded how much of what when and accounting for that over time.
The atoms of finance are positions: an amount, instrument, and legal entity. Positions interact via exchanges: swap the amount and instrument between two entities at a given time. Instruments have prices and cash flows that determine the values and amounts involved with trading. Given a portfolio of positions and a sequence of trades, the associated values and amounts determine the profit and loss (among other quantities) relevant to managing portfolios.
To properly assess risk it is necessary to include how a portfolio will be hedged over time. Various hedging strategies can and should be used for insight on the uncertainties involved.
Both prices and cash flows must be specified to determine the values and amounts associated with a trading strategy. The unified model does not solve any particular problem in finance but it does specify a mathematical notation to rigorously discuss all aspects of trading and hedging using realistic assumptions.
A position is an amount, instrument, and legal entity. Examples of instruments are: stocks, bonds, futures, currencies, and commodities. They are traded in some amount: shares, notional, contracts, units, and physical quantity respectively. A legal entity is an individual or a corporation. Corporations can subdivide positions by groups or individual traders. The position indicates entity owns amount of instrument .
A portfolio is a (multi) set of positions Assuming each instrument is fungible we can aggregate amounts. The net amount in instrument held by entity is
An exchange involves a pair of positions and a trade time. The exchange indicates buyer exchanged amount of instrument for amount of instrument with seller at time . The price of the trade is the quotient of the buyer and seller amounts, , so the trade is . Prices are determined by the seller. The buyer decides when to exchange positions based on the seller’s price, among other considerations.
The exchange changes the portfolios of the buyer and seller at time . The position of the buyer becomes and the position of the seller becomes . We assume instruments are divisible so a position can be split into and for any amount at no cost. If this assumption is close to being true.
As an example, suppose a buyer holds 100 dollars and a seller holds two shares of Ford stock . If the seller quotes a price of 8 dollars per share then the buyer can obtain by giving the seller and now holds two shares of stock and .
Foreign exchange is not a special case. If the USD/JPY exchange rate is 100 then can be exchanged for . If we write $1 = ¥100 then USD/JPY is 100 where ‘1 =’ turns into ‘’.
Similarly, commodities are also not special. This model can be used for all instruments.
Instruments entail cash flows; stocks pay dividends, bonds pays coupons, and futures have margin adjustments. Currencies and commodities do not have cash flows, but they may involve third-party payments to exchange or store them. Cash flows cause changes to positions. If instrument pays cash flow per share of in instrument at time then holding at time will cause to be included in the position of soon after time . Usually is the native currency associated with instrument . Specifying allows for payment-in-kind cash flows.
In the Ford example above, when holding and the stock pays a dividend of per share then the portfolio becomes and net to
Cash flows are zero except at discrete times. Stocks and bonds typically pay dividends and coupons quarterly or semi-annually. Futures margin accounts are usually adjusted once per day.
Cash flows depend on the issuer of the instrument, but that is beyond the scope of this model.
Portfolios and trades lead to some bean counting over time.
Given a portfolio at time , all trades and cash flows between and determine the position at time as described above. The change in net amounts is called profit and loss (P&L). If is the net amount defined above then is the P&L of entity in instrument over the period from to .
Holdings can be converted into a native currency for reporting purposes. This does not involve actual trades, only a best guess of the price at time , , of each instrument in terms of . All positions are converted to then netted to report the P&L in terms of .
It is quite common for entities to have different best guesses of . Accountants might use “book,” “market,” “liquidation,” or “going concern” values. This model does not suggest which is the most appropriate in any given situation, it only makes that choice explicit.
Other relevant quantities can be computed similarly. For example the draw-down over the period is and the draw-up is .
Any instrument could be used instead of a native currency. A subset of instruments could also be chosen to break P&L reporting into components. The set of all currencies involved in a position is a common choice.
There is no question about prices and cash flows after the fact. Mathematics can be used to model possible prices and cash flows in the future. The following assumes you are familiar with sets and functions.
Let be the set of trading times, be the set of instruments, be the set of amounts, and be the set of entities.
All models have shortcomings to keep in mind when being applied. Trading times depend on the instrument and the seller. If an instrument is listed on an exchange, then it can only be traded during market hours. Sellers determine when the instruments they offer can be traded. Amounts are constrained by the instrument, time, and seller. Instruments trade in discrete increments and sometimes cannot be shorted ( is not allowed). The amount available is also at the discretion of the seller and may consist of the empty set for certain buyers.1
A mathematical model for cash flows is a function2 . At time instrument has cash flow amount in instrument .
A mathematical model for prices is a (partial) function . At time the trade is available to buyer from seller at price . Price determines the amount of the buyer must give the seller for amount of at time . It is possible there are no quoted prices so is only a partial function.
Most models of price in the financial literature do not depend on the amount traded, , or the counterparties , or . Anyone who has traded knows there are different prices depending on whether you are buying () or selling () – the ask and the bid price respectively. Anyone who has traded large amounts also knows the bid/ask spread widens as the amount gets larger. The price can also depend on the counterparties in the trade, as anyone with poor credit will find when attempting to take out a loan.
A trading strategy is an increasing sequence of stopping times3 and amounts to trade at time in two instruments between two entities. The trades are where and . After the trade, the buyer holds amount of and the seller holds amount of in exchange.
Most models do not specify the seller ; traders assume there is an aggregate market of liquidity providers for . Usually is assumed to be a single entity executing the strategy; however, if you are running a financial firm you will have a set of ’s called program managers to reckon with.
The mathematical finance literature customarily assumes a “money market” account is available to fund trade execution. Funding trades actually involves many fixed income instruments. Traders at Big Banks use their funding desk to insulate themselves from the details, but they are charged for this. Daily positions funded by repurchase agreements require at least as many instruments as the number of days involved in trading. These may not be cost effective for longer term strategies so forward rate agreements and swaps are often used. The unified model allows these to be easily accomodated.
Trades accumulate into positions . If we write if and otherwise, this becomes . Note the strict inequality. A trade executed at time is not included in the position at ; it takes some time for a trade to settle.
Trading strategies do not explicitly involve cash flows and the definition of above does not take those into account. The formula for amount below is used to do that. Cash flows are typically paid in the native currency and currencies do not have cash flows. This may explain why cash flows seem to get short shrift in mathematical finance literature.
Fix the funding currency and write and . The cost of the initial trade in terms of is ; buying amount at price costs . This amount will be deducted from the trader’s account and reported as the value of the initial position to risk management.
If more than one instrument is traded then . The sum is over all instruments, but if is not traded. If we represent trade amounts and prices as vectors indexed by instruments, this can be written as where dot indicates the inner product of vectors.
The value, or mark-to-market, of a trading strategy at time is It is the amount the trader would get from unwinding the existing position and trades just executed at the prevailing market price, assuming that were possible. Note is the cost of the initial trade.
Trading strategies cause amounts in to show up in the trader’s account: At time , cash flows proportional the existing position are credited and the cost of trades just executed are debited. Note .
Trading strategies create synthetic instruments. Amounts and values are proxies for cash flows and prices. A derivative security is a contract between counterparties for exchanges of future amounts. If a trading strategy that produces those amounts exists, then its initial value, plus vigorish, is what a sell-side trader quotes to buy-side customers. A quant’s job is to help traders figure out when () and how much () to trade in order to satisfy the contract obligations.4 The term self-financing means satisfying the obligation to pay 0 on non-payment dates.
When , we say the trading strategy is closed out at . If no trades are executed after that, then future amounts and values are zero.
If a trading strategy has , for , and eventually closes out then arbitrage exists: it is possible to make money on the initial trade and never lose money over the life of the trading strategy. This definition of arbitrage depends on the model used for cash flows and prices.
The Unified Model describes all arbitrage-free models. It also shows is delta and is gamma.
The basic problem with most measures of risk is that they fail to take hedging into account.
Value at risk (VaR) is defined using a time period and a probability . The probability of the value of a portfolio at the end of the period being less than VaR equals , assuming no trades occur over the period. As the length of the period increases, the probability of a portfolio manager being fired for not hedging it approaches 1.
VaR can be turned into a more useful measure by incorporating the hedging strategy. Different hedging strategies can be compared for their effectiveness. Of course draw-up and draw-down should also be considered instead of only the value of the hedged portfolio at one point in time.
Similarly, CVA fails to take into account hedging. The CVA of a portfolio is where is the value of the portfolio at and is a given haircut. The term is the exposure of the portfolio holder.5 Holders are not exposed to counterparty risk if they owe money. The insurance industry had been using this formula to calculate premiums long before it showed up in the financial world. The 1933 Glass-Steagall Act prohibited investment banks from participating in the insurance industry, but after the merger of Citicorp with Travelers, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowed them into the party after 1999.
It is common for swaps to have unwind provisions that will be exercised if the market moves against them. This is an example of a hedging strategy that can be applied to a portfolio to get a more accurate estimate of counterparty risk. The CVA haircut should not be applied to a position that no longer belongs to the portfolio.
DVA is just the CVA of the entity on the other side of the trades. The menagerie of XVA measures are attempts to incorporate special case hedging strategies or cash flows due to taxes or regulatory capital requirements. They can all be replaced by explicitly incorporating the appropriate trading strategy and cash flows involved when applying the cost of insurance formula.
The two fundamental problems of risk management are that there is no clear definition of risk and it is impossible to manage something that is not clearly defined. The term model risk is even more unclear – exactly what models are under consideration?
One universal property is when a new model is introduced there is always a P&L hit. Trades undervalued by the old model were executed by counterparties who recognized that, and trades overvalued by the old model found few takers.
In lieu of a proper theory of risk management, the best that can be accomplished is to make implicit assumptions explicit and provide multiple models and more efficient reporting tools to allow risk managers to quickly and easily assess the effects of the assumptions they make.
Capturing every position and transaction in a database turns historical reporting into a well understood technology problem. When decorated with appropriate dimensions and measures, risk managers can use off-the-shelf tools to create dynamic reports allowing them to summarize data and drill down to individual positions and transactions to their heart’s content. It is no longer necessary to have technologists spend time developing custom reports.
Models can be used to generate scenarios for future cash flows and prices. Trading strategies use these to determine portfolios over time. The same queries designed for historical reporting can be reused to give a probability distribution for any values of interest.
The future of risk management is to use Monte Carlo methods to generate scenarios given a model and trading strategy. Existing models can be leveraged to do this. Off-the-shelf tools can already report mean, standard deviation, and quantiles for probability distributions. The only hurdle is computing power, but we have Moore’s Law on our side. Software built today can be used without change to give better and faster answers in the future.
A funding account is more complicated than it might seem at first blush. A funding desk provides a liquid market in a native currency to traders for financing their trades. One way to think of it is as a perpetual bond; for unit notional you get a daily stream of coupons. The coupons are not constant but they are known at the beginning of each period6 and are usually tied to short-term market repo rates. A trading strategy involves many transactions in the market account and it is common to implicitly assume positions are reinvested in the account. A funding desk typically uses the repurchase agreement market to supply the account. There are many individual transactions involved with funding accounts once you pull out your microscope.
Transactions often involve the exchange of more than two positions, for example, a fee or commission to a broker or market maker that enabled the trade or a tax payment. These can be accommodated by including the associated transactions as trades with the third parties involved. Perhaps these should be called the molecules of finance.
The financial world is still waiting for its Werner Heisenberg. The price of a trade after it has been executed is a number: the amount the buyer gave to the seller divided by the amount the seller gave to the buyer. The price prior to completing a trade is more nebulous. The difference between a price quoted prior to a trade and the realized price after settlement is lumped into the term slippage. Accurately modeling that uncertainty is an ongoing puzzle.
For trades on an exchange, the order book can give a better handle on what the slippage might be. Some exchanges report the net amount of limit orders they have near the current market level. If a market order is not too large then the levels of the limit orders it will match can be determined. However, other customers or liquidity providers can cause changes to the order book before a market orders is executed to cause uncertainty in the exact amounts of matching limit orders at each level.
There is a clear trajectory in Mathematical Finance starting from the Black-Scholes/Merton model of a single option parameterized by a constant volatility to portfolios of instruments belonging to the same asset class that use increasingly sophisticated models that can be parameterized to fit all available market data.
The future of Mathematical Finance is developing more accurate models that allow for incorporating potential trading strategies and extending the set of instruments to all asset classes. Advances in big data and computation speed will eventually allow real-time interactive dashboards allowing traders and risk managers to get a better understanding of the uncertainties involved with trading.
A currently intractable problem is how to rapidly tune models to fit market data. It is essentially an interpolation problem: given data find a function with for all . This falls under the purview of machine learning. It is my hope that the large ML cadre currently employed to tell us pictures that look like a blur to humans have a 95% probability of being a stop sign can be gainfully redirected to more useful purposes.
Adhering to the trader aphorism, “Don’t be a dick for a tick,” can help prevent this.↩︎
Cash flows and prices are modeled using random variables: a variable together with the probabilities of the values it can have. The mathematical definition is that a random variable is a function from a sample space to the real numbers. Prepend the sample space to the Cartesian products involved to make them mathematically correct.↩︎
A stopping time is a random variable taking values in that depends only on prior information, for example, when the price of a stock hits a certain level.↩︎
The trader aphorism, “Hedge when you can, not when you have to,” is only a rough guide to solving this difficult problem.↩︎
The formula for CVA should use and not but that is computationally more difficult. Jensen’s inequality implies so CVA underestimates the risk.↩︎
The coupons are a stochastic process that is called predictable in the math literature. It means that it is a little better than being merely adapted to a filtration.↩︎