January 26, 2025
Unlike the equity world where the menagerie of stock prices are like bees coming out of a hive, there is a single thread that ties together all fixed income instrument prices. The continuously compounded stochastic forward rate corresponds quite closely to the SOFR rate. The Secured Overnight Financing Rate is based on the large volume of overnight repurchase agreements that actually trade in the market1. LIBOR was a term rate based on calling up traders and asking for their opinions.
Using the mathematical fiction of continuous time trading, the continuously compounded stochastic forward rate is the rate at which money can be borrowed or lent over an infinitesimal time period. Any amount can be invested at time and return at time . Rolling over 1 unit invested at time 0 results in realized return at time . It is the price of a money market account at time . The stochastic discount is .
Holding an instrument entails cash flows that, unlike prices, are almost always 0. Stocks have dividends, bonds have coupons, futures have periodic cash flows in the margin account. The price of a futures is always 0. Futures are naturally occuring martingales. Money market accounts have no cash flows.
In every arbitrage-free model prices and cash flows must satisfy If an instrument has no cash flows then is a martingale, as Black, Scholes, and Merton demonstrated. If goes to 0 as then the price is the expected value of discounted future cash flows, as Graham and Todd taught us.
A zero coupon bond maturing at has a single non-zero cash flow . In an arbitrage-free model . We write for the price at time of a zero coupon bond maturing at .
Exercise. Show .
Every fixed income product is a portfolio of zero coupon bonds. For example, a forward rate agreement over the period has two cash flows and where is the day count fraction for the interval and is a fixed coupon rate. The par coupon makes the price 0.
Exercise. If a forward rate agreement has price 0 then .
Hint: Use .
Mathematical analytics uses the dimensionless discount but traders like to use rates. Letting , the forward curve is defined by .
Exercise. Show .
Exercise. Show .
Hint: Compute two ways using
This shows is the par coupon for a forward rate agreement with cash flow at time .
Futures quotes are naturally occuring martingales. The futures quote at time 0 on expiring at is .
Since we have . In general and are negatively correlated so the difference between futures and forwards (convexity) is positive.
Every fixed income model is determined by the stochastic forward rate.
The LIBOR market model assumes where is vector-valued Brownian motion and is a vector valued function of time. The futures quotes can be observed in the market. If we have at-the-money call options with prices then the implied volatility gives us . Swaption prices can be used to determine the convexity. A typical assumption is for some functions and . One felicitous feature of this parameterization is the futures quotes and options prices are independent of since .
There is no closed-form formula for calculating in the LIBOR market model but there is for the Ho-Lee model.
The Ho-Lee model specifies a stochastic forward rate where is the futures quote and is the vector-valued volatility.
Exercise. Show for the Ho-Lee model with constant scalar volatility
Hint: Use for any normally distributed random variable and show .
Since we have .
Exercise. Show if and are jointly normal.
Hint: Use if and are jointly normal, differentiate with respect to , and set .
Exercise. Show .
Hint: Use the previous exercise.
Note this agrees with the previous convexity calculation.
On September 17, 2019 SOFR went from 2.43% to 5.25% and spiked to 10% at one point during the trading day. This was very disconcerting.↩︎