
Keith A. Lewis

January 26, 2025

A monad is a monoid on the endofunctors of a category.

We communicate using vocabulary. Italicised words indicate terms you may not be familiar with that will be defined later. I owe you definitions for monad, monoid, endofunctor and category but that requires going a bit deeper in debt first. I am assuming you know the meaning of ‘a’, ‘is’, ‘on’, ‘the’, and ‘of’.

A monoid is a set with a binary operation that is associative and has an identity element. A binary operation on a set M is a function m\colon M\times M\to M. It is associative if m(m(a,b),c) = m(a, m(b,c)), a,b,c\in M. If we write m(a,b) as ab this says (ab)c = a(bc) so we can write abc unambiguously. An identity element e\in M satisfies em = m = me, for all m\in M.

A category is a collection of arrows with a partial binary operation that is associative. Each arrow in the collection is associatied with two objects, a domain and codomain. For an arrow f we write f\colon A\to B where A = \operatorname{dom}f is the domain and B = \operatorname{cod}f is the codomain. If f and g are arrows and \operatorname{cod}f = \operatorname{dom}g then the partial binary operation gf is well-defined and called composition. Every object A has an identity arrow 1_A that satisfies 1_{\operatorname{cod}f} f = f = 1_{\operatorname{dom}f}.

A functor F\colon\mathcal{A}\to\mathcal{B} takes arrows of the category \mathcal{A} to arrows of category \mathcal{B} and preserves the category structure. If f\colon A\to A' in \mathcal{A} then F(f)\colon F(A)\to F(A') in \mathcal{B} and if g\colon A'\to A'' then F(gf) = F(g)F(f). If \mathcal{A} = \mathcal{B} then F is an endofunctor.

A monad is a monoid on the endofunctors of a category.


This is a complete and correct definition of a monad, if not particularly enlightening.

The definition of a category is similar to that of a monoid except the binary operation is not defined for all pairs of arrows.

Exercise. If a category has one object then it is a monoid.

Hint: The binary operation is defined for all arrows f since \operatorname{dom}f and \operatorname{cod}f are the one object.

If you already know something about category theory you might think my definition is lacking. The usual definition states a category has arrows and objects, but arrows have a domain and codomain. The identity arrows determine the objects.

The usual definition of a functor states it also takes objects of the first category to objects of the second.

Exercise. Show identity arrows are unique.

Hint: Show if f 1'_A = f and 1'_A g whenever f\colon A\to B and g\colon B\to A then 1'_A = 1_A.

Exercise. If F is a functor then F(1_A) = 1_{F(A)}.

Since identity arrows correspond to objects we also have an object mapping.

The canonical example of a category is \mathbf{Set} where the arrows are functions between sets. The category \mathbf{Mon} has objects monoids and arrows are homomorphisms, functions that preserve the monoid operation.

Given a set S let S^* be the set of all strings, finite length lists, of elements of S. This is a monoid with binary operation concatenation and identity the empty list. This defines a functor F\colon\mathbf{Set}\to\mathbf{Mon}.

The forGetful functor G\colon\mathbf{Mon}\to\mathbf{Set} is the identity functor that forgets the monoid structure. A monoid is a set and a monoid homomorphism is a function.

The endofunctor GF\colon\mathbf{Set}\to\mathbf{Set} is a monad.

unit and counit

Monoids are quite common. Now that you know their mathematical definition you, Baader, and Meinhof will start seeing them everywhere. Examples of monoids are the set of real numbers with addition and identity 0, multiplication and identity 1, maximum and identity -\infty, and minimum having identity \infty.

The binary operation for these examples is commutative. A non-commutative example of a monoid is string concatenation having identity the empty string.

Exercise. If M is a monoid and 1'\in M satisfies 1'm = m = m1' then 1' = 1.

Hint: 1'1 = 1. The identiy element of a monoid is unique.

Examples of categories are \mathbf{Set} with objects sets and arrows functions, \mathbf{Par} with arrows partial functions, and \mathbf{Rel} with arrows relations. Every partially ordered set is a category with arrows a\to b if and only if a\le b in the ordering. Transitivity defines composition and reflexivity provides the identity arrows.

Exercise. If P is a poset then there exists at most one arrow a\to b for a,b\in P.

This proves the associative law.

Many subcategories of \mathbf{Set} are “sets with structure.” The category \mathbf{Mon} has objects monoids and arrows are homomorphisms: functions that preserve the binary operation.

Exercise. Show if f\colon M\to N is a monoid homomorphism then f(1_M) = 1_N.

Here 1_M and 1_N are the identity elements of M and N, not the identity arrows.

The forgetful functor can be defined from any set with structure

F:Set -> Mon, G:Mon -> Set, adjunction, monad example

The binary operation for a category is associative, when defined, but identity arrows are all distinct.


I first stumbled across Category Theory as a fledgling assistant math professor working in the area of operator theory and functional analysis. Somehow I manage to land a job at an Ivy League school and had the priveldge of working with people I idolized as a grad student. Category theory seemed to unify things across different areas of mathematics but my esteemed colleagues told me stop “wasting” my time on that. They were quite adamant about how “useless” it was. That is when I learned the phrase, “Every proof in category theory is either a ‘put on’, or it’s dual, a ‘push over’”.

I’m not very good at listening to what other people tell me to do, so I kept spending time trying to understand category theory. Many years later I, um, inherited Sammy Eilenberg’s library of math books. (Don’t ask, my wife would kill me.) He wrote notes in the margin. Not like Fermat about what he wanted to prove, notes that were his unbowdlerized comments about what the author was, or more often wasn’t, contributing to the theory he and Saunder’s Mac Lane founded.


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