Let EE be the set of legal entities and II be the set of instruments.

For any set SS we define M(S)=ZS={π ⁣:SZ}M(S) = \mathbf{Z}^S = \{\pi\colon S\to\mathbf{Z}\} to be the set of all functions from SS to Z\mathbf{Z}. M(S)M(S) is a module over the ring of integers. Let L(M(S))\mathcal{L}(M(S)) be the space of all linear functions from M(S)M(S) to M(S)M(S).

Instrument amounts are quoted as an integer multiple of their smallest traded unit.

A position is an element of the module M(I×E)M(I\times E).

A transaction occurs when a buyer and a seller exchanging positions.

Given a positions π=ai,e\pi = a_{i,e} and π=ai,e\pi' = a'_{i',e'}. define ξ ⁣:M×MM×M\xi\colon M\times M\to M\times M by ξ(π,π)=(ai,e,ai,e)\xi(\pi,\pi') = (a_{i,e'}, a'_{i,e'}).

ξ ⁣:M×M\xi\colon M\times\to M by Mπ+ξππ+ξ(π)M - \pi + \xi\pi - \pi' + \xi(\pi')