Let E be the set of legal
entities and I be the set of
For any set S we define M(S)=ZS={π:S→Z} to be the set of all functions from S to Z. M(S) is a module over the ring of integers.
Let L(M(S)) be the space of
all linear functions from M(S) to M(S).
Instrument amounts are quoted as an integer multiple of
their smallest traded unit.
A position is an element of the module M(I×E).
A transaction occurs when a buyer and a
seller exchanging positions.
Given a positions π=ai,e and
define ξ:M×M→M×M
by ξ(π,π′)=(ai,e′,ai,e′′).
ξ:M×→M by M−π+ξπ−π′+ξ(π′)