January 26, 2025
Almost every language provides a means of calling C functions. The key to high performance software is passing pointers to data from the calling language so memory does not need to be copied.
Portability involves the Application Binary Interface. In order for a
language to use a C library it must link to either a static library at
compile time or a dynamic library at run-time. Run-time linking requires
information about the version of the library being loaded and any
dependencies it has on other dynamic libraries. The most portable
approach is to write C++ code, compile static libraries, and use
extern "C"
to provide C linkage of public functions that
can be used from almost every language to avoid ABI issues.
The C ABI specifies the size and layout of standard types, structs and arrays of standard types, linker visable names, and calling conventions. As long as the host language respects this, it is possible to provide a single library for each platform.
Garbage collected languages usually have a means to temporarily pin data to prevent garbage collection while calling C functions. If the C function requires memory the best practice is to provide a means to communicate that to the calling function. The C function should do no memory allocation, or offload that to the C++ functions being called.
To make a library easily available to a host language requires an understanding of their Foreign Function Interface.
Existing C++ libraries can be wrapped using a C interface if they use
a subset of C++ features. For example arguments of type
const std::vector<T>&
can be called from C using
const T*, size_t
but memory will be copied to the vector.
This can be avoided if the C++ library uses non-owning memory such as std::span<T>
or std::mdspan
Smart pointers involve memory allocation. Use
for the tightest control on that. Avoid
when possible. It is trivial to convert a
unique pointer to a shared pointer when necessary, but a shared pointer
abdicates control to any code using it.
C# uses pin_ptr
to pause garbage collection. It must be
defined as a local variable before passing it to a C++/CLI function.
When it goes out of scope the GC takes over. C++ does not allow 0 length
arrays so 0 length C# arrays require special handling.
void cli(array<T>^ a) {
pin_ptr<T> pa = (a.length == 0 ? nullptr : &a[0]);
cpp(pa, a.length);
Here pa
gets passed to the C++/CLI function
as a T*
to provide access to the array of
managed by a
. Passing pa
is zero is undefined behaviour.