
Keith A. Lewis

February 27, 2025

Will it Function?

A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors.

Whatever that means.

Suppose function f\colon X\to Y but things can go wrong when computing f(x) for some values of x\in X. One approach is to make f a partial function with domain the set of all untroublesome x\in X. We can make f into a proper function on all of X by assuming a special element \bot\not\in Y and define f(x) = \bot when x is not kosher. Now f is a function in the usual mathematical sense but we’ve lost all information about the rabbinic code f(x) violated.

In the C standard library for mathematical functions this is handled by setting the macro errno to indicate what went wrong. \bot is spelled NAN in C and the programmer calling the function should use isnan to check for \bot and inspect errno to get more detailed information on why the function failed.

It is common in numeric libraries written in C-like languages to have functions of the form

    int f(double x, double* py);

that write the value of f(x) into the memory address of the pointer py and return an error code indicating what went wrong if x is not in the domain of f. This is an improvement over setting a global errno but the programmer still has to check all possible return values. If the library implementing f changes then new error codes might be added that requires the programmer to change their code to take into account.

Another problem with this approach is that f is not a pure function. It has a side-effect of changing the memory location pointed to by py. Monads solve this problem.


Monads provides a way to wrap up values, map a function to act on wrapped up values, and a way to unwrap values. Monads solve the problem of turning partial functions into functions that can report on why the partial function failed.

The C standard library function double sqrt(double x) returns a NAN if x < 0 and sets the glob

A better way is to define F\colon E\times X\to E\times X, where E is the set of error codes by F(e,\_) = (e,\_) if e is an error and F(\_,x) = (e,y) where e is the error code from f_e and y = f(x) if there was no error. A possible implementation with err_t being the error type and E_OK indicating no error is

struct double_err {
    double x;
    err_t e;

double_err F(double_err X) {
    if (X.e == E_OK) {
        X.e = f_e(x, &X.x);

    return X;

Congratulations, you’ve just created a monad. The double_err struct wraps up a double and error code, and F acts on the wrapped up types. You can now compose such functions and the result will be the usual composition if there are no errors or else the first error encountered will be propagated to the final result.

Numbers that are not numbers

In IEEE floating point arithmetic certain bit patterns in the representation indicate the number is not a number, a NaN. This is similar to our \bot element for turning partial functions into functions. Any arithmetic operation involving a NaN results in a NaN so we get the same lousy behavior of destroying information about exactly what error occured. The IEEE standard specifies other special bit patterns for more informative exceptions. There are positive or negative infinity in the case of overflow, there is a positve and negative 0, very small (denormalized) numbers have a special form that allow detection of the onset of underflow.

Wrapping things up

We can extend this to types other than double. Given a type T and errors E define M\colon T\to T\times E by Mt = (t,e_0) where e_0 is the element of E indicating no error.