Mathematical Finance Manifesto

Keith A. Lewis

January 26, 2025

Work remains to be done.

Mathematical Finance has made Nobel Prize winning advances but there is more work to be done. Historical mathematical artifacts need to be replaced by a rigorous theory allowing more faithful modelling of what happens in the real world.

It is time to develop a theory that can model what practitioners actually do.


After the market crash in 1929 the SEC was established to prevent market manipulation. The first commissoner was (Joseph Kenedy Sr)[] who established investor confidence by eliminating fraud and insider information by establishing regulations requiring companies to make their financial records public to potential investors.

He was an expert in that having been involved with insider trading at Hayden, Stone, & Co., a progenitor to Shearson/American Express.

As with all after-the-fact regulation, this was only partially successful. Trust is the most valuable commodity in the world. It cannot be manufactured and can evaporate in an instant.

Inside information a terrific way of making money.

Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future - Niels Bohr

Unless you can cheat.

Graham and Todd initiated a systematic and objective analysis of investments.

Publicly traded companies were required to provide

Markowitz. And Roy. Maximize return, minimize variance. Depends on historical data. p Cite random variable paper.

Did Graham-Todd agree that Markowitz used market prices to avoid fundamental research?

Black-Merton Scholes

Stephen Ross

Linzberger …


Continuous time.

Implicit assumptions. Optimization. Self-financing.

Lack of knobs.

Bid-ask spread.


Dynamic hedging and cash flows.

The future

Clear trajectory.

Monte Carlo simulation.

Realtime analytics.

Pivot tables. Reporting.