
February 27, 2025

Euclid came up with the notion of deducing geometric truths from axioms and postulates.

axiom vs postulate

Descarte. Cartesian coordinates.

Move from geometry to algebra

When you enter a PhD math program the first thing you learn is logic and set theory. George Boole invented propositional calculus to reduce logic to algebra.

Predicate calculus. First order logic.

rules of inference

Gentzen natural deduction, modus polens.

Sequent calculus.

Language Logic Set Algebra
not \neg P A' = \Omega\setminus A 1 - 1_E
and P\wedge Q A\cap B 1_E 1_F
nand \neg(P\wedge Q) (A\cap B)' 1 - 1_{EF}
or \vee P A\cup B 1_E + 1_F - 1_{EF}
implies P\Rightarrow Q A'\cup B 1 - 1_E + 1_{EF}