
Keith A. Lewis

January 26, 2025

Mirror, mirror, …

Duality shows up in many mathematical guises. One of the simplest is in the case of vector spaces. The dual of a vector space is the collection of all linear functionals on the vector space. It too is a vector space and has the same dimension as the original vector space if is finite dimensional. Identifying when a space is a dual help clarifies mathematical concepts. For example, if F\colon V\to\bm{R} is a smooth function then its derivative is a function DF\colon V\to V^*, where V^* denotes the dual of V. There is no need for “row” or “column” vectors when using duals.

Vector Space

If V is a vector space over the real numbers \bm{R} then its dual, V^*, is the set of all linear functionals from V to \bm{R}. The dual space is also a vector space with scalar multiplication and vector addition defined pointwise: (tv^*)(u) = t(v^*(u)) and (v^* + w^*)(u) = v^*(u) + w^*(u), t\in\bm{R}, u\in V, v^*,w^*\in V^*. The dual pairing is \langle v,v^*\rangle = v^*(v), v\in V, v^*\in V^*. Since v^*\colon V\to\bm{R} is a function, if we know \langle v, v^*\rangle for all v\in V we know v^*.

Exercise. If \langle v,v^*\rangle = 0 for v^*\in V^* show v = 0.

Exercise. If \langle v,v^*\rangle = \langle w,v^*\rangle for v^*\in V^* show v = w.

Hint: Use linearity and reduce to the first exercise.

If V is finite dimensional with basis \{e_i\} then define the dual basis e_j^*\colon V\to\bm{R} by \langle e_i, e_j^*\rangle = δ_{i,j}, where δ_{i,j} is the Kronecker delta, and extend to V linearly to get e_j^*\in V^*. This determines an isomorphism T\colon V\to V^* by Te_i = e_i^*.

For any vector space V define the canonical injection ι_V\colon V\to V^{**} by \langle ι_Vv, v^*\rangle = \langle v, v^*\rangle.

Exercise. Show ι_V is a linear transformation.

Exercise. Show ι_Vv = 0 if and only if v = 0, v\in V.

The proof of this is trivial, unlike the proof that vector spaces of the same dimension are isomorphic. That proof involves the Steinitz replacement theorem and introducing an arbitrary basis for each vector space.

Linear Transformation

Linear transformations on vector spaces T\colon V\to W are also a vector space with scalar multiplication and vector addition defined pointwise. They have a notion of duality called adjoint. Define T^*\colon W^*\to V^* by \langle v, T^*w^*\rangle = \langle Tv, w^*\rangle, v\in V, w^*\in W^*.

Exercise. If S\colon U\to V and T\colon V\to W show (TS)^* = S^*T^*.

Exercise. If T\colon V\to W show T^{**}ι_V = ι_WT.

Solution For v\in V, w^*\in W^*, \langle T^{**}ι_Vv, w^*\rangle = \langle ι_Vv, T^*w^*\rangle = \langle v, T^*w^*\rangle = \langle Tv, w^*\rangle = \langle ι_W Tv, w^*\rangle.

This is an example of a natural transformation in category theory.


Given a function on a finite interval f\colon [a,b]\to\bm{R}, a,b\in\bm{R}, and a partition of [a,b], Δ = (x_0,\ldots,x_n) with a = x_0 < x_1 < \cdots < x_n = b define \underline{R}_{[a,b]}f = \sum_{0\le i < n} \underline{f_i}\,Δx_i where \underline{f_i} = \inf_{x_i \le x < x_{i+1}} f(x) and Δx_i = x_{i + 1} - x_i. Likewise define \overline{R}_{[a,b]}f = \sum_{0\le i < n} \overline{f_i}\,Δx_i where \overline{f_i} = \sup_{x_i \le x < x_{i+1}} f(x).

Define Δ\preceq Δ' if every x_i in Δ is equal to some x_i' in Δ'. This ordering is a net so we can consider the limit in both cases. Riemann showed that if f is continuous on [a,b] the the lower and upper limits exist and are equal.

If F\colon [a,b]\to\bm{R} is any non-decreasing function a similar argument goes through for sums of the for \sum_{0\le i < n} f(x_i^*)\,(F(x_{i+1}) - F(x_i)), where x_i^*\in [x_i, x_{i+1}], which leads to Riemann-Stieljes integation. For example, if F(x) = 1_{[c,\infty)} is the Heavyside function it can be shown \int_a^b f(x)\,dF(x) = f(a) when a < c < b.

Exercise. Prove this.

Hint: Only one term of \sum f(x^*)\,ΔF(x) is non-zero.

There are also improper integrals that can be defined if a = -\infty or b = +\infty if limits exist. If f tends to infinity at either endpoint then the limits over [a + ε,b] and [a, b - ε] may exist as ε\to 0. If f has a countable number of jumps it is also possible to fix things up.

Things become even more complicated when trying find conditions when limits can be exchanged: \lim_{n\to\infty}\int_a^b f_n(x)\,dx = \int_a^b \lim_{n\to\infty} f_n(x)\,dx.

Lebesgue cleaned up this mess by noticing the continuous functons on the interval [a,b], C[a,b], is a vector space and f\mapsto \int_a^b f(x)\,dx is a linear functional. This led him to the notion of set functions called measures that greatly simplify the concept of integration.

Bounded Functions

Let \Omega be any set and define the bounded functions B(\Omega) = \{f\colon\Omega\to\bm{R}:\sup_{\omega\in\Omega} |f(\omega)| < \infty\}. Given a linear functional L\in B(\Omega)^* and any subset E\subseteq\Omega define λ(E) = L(1_E), where 1_E(ω) = 1 if ω\in E and 1_E(ω) = 0 if ω\not\in E. If E and F are disjoint subsets of \Omega then 1_{E\cup F} = 1_E + 1_F so λ(E\cup F) = λ(E) + λ(F).

Exercise. Show λ(E\cup F) = λ(E) + λ(F) - λ(E\cap F) for any E,F\subseteq \Omega.

While f is a function on \Omega, λ is a function on subsets of \Omega that satifies λ(E\cup F) = λ(E) + λ(F) - λ(E\cap F) for any E,F\subseteq \Omega. Such functions are called measures. Measures don’t count things twice. We also need λ(\emptyset) = 0, the measure of nothing is zero.

Exercise. If λ(E\cup F) = λ(E) + λ(F) - λ(E\cap F), E,F\subseteq\Omega, then μ = λ + a also satisfies this condition.

Hint. The “measure” μ + a is (μ + a)(E) = μ(E) + a.