January 26, 2025
This note describes how to incorporate dividends into stock valuation. Recall the Unified Model shows arbitrage-free models are parameterized by a vector-valued martingale (M_t)_{t\in T} and a positive deflator (D_t)_{t\in T}, where T is the set of trading times. The prices (X_t)_{t\in T} and discrete cash flows (C_t)_{t\in T} must satisfy X_t D_t = M_t - \sum_{s\le t} C_s D_s. Exercise. Show X_t D_t = E_t[X_u D_u + \sum_{t < s \le u}C_s D_s], u \ge t, where E_t is expected value conditioned on information available at time t.
Hint. E_t[X_u D_u] = M_t - \sum_{s\le t} C_s D_s - \sum_{t < s \le u} E_t[C_s D_s].
We assume the model consists of two intruments, a money-market instrument R and a stock S The money-market instrument pays no cash flows and its price at time t is R_t = 1/D_t. Note R_tD_t = 1 is a martingale. Let D_t(u) be the value at time t of a zero coupon bond paying one unit at u. The exercise shows it must satisfy D_t(u)D_t = E_t[D_u] so D_t(u) = E_t[D_u]/D_t.
Forwards involve an interval of time. The value at time t of a forward contract paying S_u - k at time u \ge t is E_t[(S_u - k)D_u]. The forward value of S at t expiring at time u is the value of k making this zero: F_t(u) = E_t[S_u D_u]/E_t[D_u]. If S has no cash flows then E_t[S_u D_u] = S_t D_t and F_t(u) = S_t/D_t(u) is the cost of carry formula.
If a stock pays fixed dividends d_j at times t_j then C_t = (0, d_j) when t = t_j and is zero otherwise. Let S^d_t denote the price of the dividend paying stock at time t. Since S^d_t D_t = S_t D_t - \sum_{t_j\le t} d_j D_{t_j}, where S_t D_t is a martingale we have S^d_t = S_t - \sum_{t_j\le t} d_j D_{t_j}/D_t. Note the value of a call or put option on a fixed dividend paying stock with strike k is equal to the value of the corresponding call or put on the non-dividend paying stock with strike k + \sum_{t_j\le t} d_j D_{t_j}/D_t.
If a stock pays proportional dividends p_j at times t_j then C_t = (0, p_jS^p_{t_j}) when t = t_j and is zero otherwise, where S^p_t denotes the price of the dividend paying stock at time t. Since S^p_t D_t = S_t D_t - \sum_{t_j\le t} p_j S^p D_{t_j}, where S_t D_t is a martingale we have S^p_t = S_t - \sum_{t_j\le t} p_j S^p_{t_j} D_{t_j}/D_t. Note S^p_0 = S_0. At time t_j S^p_j D_j = S_j D_j - \sum_{i \le j} p_i S^p_i D_i. Let M_j = S_j D_j, M^p_j = S^p_j D_j. M^p_j = M_j - \sum_{i \le j} p_i M^p_i. (1 + p_j)M^p_j + \sum_{i < j} p_i M^p_i = M_j. S^p_j = S_j - \sum_{i \le j} p_i S^p_i D_i/D_j. S^p_j + \sum_{i \le j} p_i S^p_i D_i/D_j = S_j. S^p_j(1 + p_j) + \sum_{i < j} p_i S^p_i D_i/D_j = S_j. S^p_j(1 + p_j)D_j + \sum_{i < j} p_i S^p_i D_i = S_j D_j. S^p_{j+1}(1 + p_{j+1})D_{j+1} = S^p_j(1 + p_j)D_j - p_j S^p_j D_j + S_{j+1} D_{j+1} - S_j D_j. S^p_1(1 + p_1)D_1 = S^p_0(1 + p0) - p_0 S^p_0 D_0 + ΔM_0
The cum-dividend stock process assumes dividends are reinvested in the stock as they occur in order to remove jumps.