January 26, 2025
Acknowledgements: Lewis Baker and Raymond Chen.
A coroutine is a function and a continuation point. Unlike functions, coroutines can suspend execution (yield) and resume at a later time. The continuation point keeps track of where the coroutine was last suspended. A coroutine can call another coroutine exactly as if it were a function. Use await to suspend execution and resume a live coroutine. Both yield and await set a continuation point and suspend execution. Yield is used to return results, await is used to call a coroutine then capture the results it yields.
Coroutines make it far easier to write concurrent code than using threads. Unlike threads, coroutines are suspended at function statements instead of being preempted between some recondite machine instruction by the system thread scheduler. There is no need to orchestrate the creation and collection of threads and then sprinkle the code with mutexes or semaphores in the hope of ensuring correct program execution.
Like functions, coroutines can stand on their own. What they add is the ability to cooperate with other coroutines to share the task of code execution. You still have to worry about deadlocks and race conditions however.
Coroutines can generate unbounded streams of data.
coroutine iota
i = 0
yield i
i = i + 1
The first time the coroutine is called a counter is set to 0. The first pass through the loop sets the statement after yield as the continuation point and returns 0. The next time it is resumed the counter is incremented and the second pass through the loop sets a new continuation point and returns 1. Rinse and repeat.
Producer and consumer coroutines can cooperate to send items through a queue.
coroutine produce
while queue not full
add items to queue
yield to consume
coroutine consume
while queue not empty
remove items from queue
yield to produce
There is no need for multiple theads; yield can jump directly from one coroutine to another.
A handle is an object representing a coroutine.
Calling await x
results in x
being called
and returns an awaiter. Awaiters can suspend a
coroutine and resume to get the result of the coroutine.
Awaiters are usually temporary objects and the destructor cleans up
everything associated with it.
Coroutines returning an awaitable object: struct with well-known functions.
With symmetric transfer a coroutine can indicate a coroutine handle for another coroutine to immediately resume when suspending. This suspend-and-resume operation works without introducing another frame onto the call stack.
std::coroutine_handle<> await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> h) noexcept {
return h.promise().continuation ? *continuation : std::noop_coroutine();
When a coroutine is created the continuation point is set to the beginning of the routine and it is put in a suspended state. Calling the coroutine with its arguments resumes exectution from the beginning. If the function contains a yield statement then the continuation point is set to the next statement in the function and execution is suspended. The arguments to yield become the result of the resume that activated the coroutine. Subsequent calls of the coroutine resume execution at the coninuation point and the arguments of the call become available to the coroutine. Execution continues until the next yield statement and the above is repeated or until the function terminates and the return values become the result of the last reactivation. At that point the coroutine can no longer be resumed.
A full asymmetric coroutine has three operations: create, resume, and yield. Create takes a coroutine body and instanciates it in a suspended state. The continuation point is set to the beginning of the body. Resume cause a coroutine to execute from its continuation point until it either yields at a new continuation point or terminates. A terminated coroutine cannot be resumed.
The first call to resume specifies the coroutine parameters. In subsequent calls to resume these become the result of yield. When a coroutine suspends, the arguments to yield become the result of the resume that activated the coroutine. When a coroutine terminates, the values returned by the body become the result of the last reactivation.
An expression is a lable, variable, function, application, variable assignment, conditional, equality operator for labels, or a nil value.
e \to l\mid v\mid x\mapsto e\mid e\,e\mid x := e\mid e\,?\,e : e\mid e = e\mid \bot
A value is a label, function, or nil.
A store is a mapping from variables and labels to values. \theta\colon\mathit{variables}\cup\mathit{labels}\to\mathit{values}
An evaluation context is used to specify evaluaton of expressions.
C \to \emptyset\mid e C\mid C v\mid x := C\mid C\,?\,e : e\mid e = C\mid C = v
A context and a store is evaluated to a value. \begin{aligned} \langle C[x],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle C[\theta(x)],\theta\rangle \\ \langle C[(x\mapsto e)v],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle C[e[z/x]],\theta[z\leftarrow v]\rangle \\ \langle C[x := v],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle C[v],\theta[x\leftarrow v]\rangle \\ \langle C[\bot\,?\,e_1 : e_2],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle e_2,\theta\rangle \\ \langle C[v\,?\,e_1 : e_2],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle e_1,\theta\rangle \\ \langle C[l = l],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle C[l],\theta\rangle \\ \langle C[l_1 = l_2],\theta\rangle &\Rightarrow \langle C[\bot],\theta\rangle \\ \end{aligned}
Expressions can be labeled and used in coroutine operators.
e \to \dots\mid l:e\mid \mathbf{create}\,e\mid \mathbf{resume}\,e\,e\mid \mathbf{yield}\,e