January 26, 2025
Let I be the set of instruments available for trading over a period of time and Ω be the set of what can happen over the period. The prices at the beginning of the period are x\in\mathbf{R}^I where x_i = x(i)\in\mathbf{R} is the initial price of instrument i\in I. The prices at the end of the period are X\colon\Omega\to \mathbf{R}^I where X(\omega)\in\mathbf{R}^I are the instrument prices if \omega\in\Omega occurred.
A position \xi\in\mathbf{R}^I is the number of shares of each instrument purchased at the beginning of the period. Its value at the beginning of the period is \xi\cdot x and its value at the end of the period is \xi\cdot X(\omega) given \omega\in\Omega occurred. The realized return of \xi is the function R_\xi = \xi\cdot X/\xi\cdot x.
Exercise. Show R_\xi = R_{t\xi} for any non-zero t\in\mathbf{R}.
If \xi\cdot x\not=0 there exists t\in\mathbf{R} with t\xi\cdot x = 1 so R_{t\xi} = \xi\cdot X. One unit invested proportional to \xi returns this amount.
Assume a probability measure on \Omega. This note provides no guidence on how to do that.
A portfolio \xi\in\mathbf{R}^I is efficient if \operatorname{Var}(R_\xi) \le \operatorname{Var}(R_\eta) whenever E[R_\xi] = E[R_\eta], \eta\in\mathbf{R}^I.
Given a realized return R we can find an efficient portfolio by minimizing \operatorname{Var}(R_\xi) given E[R_\xi] = R. This can be solved using Lagrange multipliers by minimizing \frac{1}{2}\operatorname{Var}(\xi\cdot X) - \lambda(\xi\cdot x - 1) - \mu(E[\xi\cdot X] - R)
If \Sigma = E[XX'] - E[X]E[X'], where prime denotes transpose, then the first order conditions are 0 = \xi'\Sigma - \lambda x' - \mu E[X'] where 0 = \xi\cdot x - 1 and 0 = E[\xi\cdot X] - R. Assuming \Sigma is invertible \xi = \Sigma^{-1}(\lambda x - \mu E[X]). Note every optimal portfolio is a linear combination of \Sigma^{-1}x and \Sigma^{-1}E[X].
A portfolio \xi\in\mathbf{R}^I is efficient if E[R_\xi] \ge E[R_\eta] whenever \operatorname{Var}(R_\xi) = \operatorname{Var}(R_\eta), \eta\in\mathbf{R}^I.
Given a variance V we can find an efficient portfolio by minimizing E[R_\xi] given \operatorname{Var}(R_\xi) = V. This can be solved using Lagrange multipliers by minimizing E[\xi\cdot X] - \lambda(\xi\cdot x - 1) - \frac{\mu}{2}(\operatorname{Var}(\xi\cdot X) - V) The first order conditions are 0 = E[X'] - \lambda x' - \mu \xi'\Sigma where 0 = \xi\cdot x - 1 and 0 = \operatorname{Var}(\xi\cdot X) - V. Assuming \Sigma is invertible \xi = \Sigma^{-1}(E[X] - \lambda x)/\mu. Note every optimal portfolio is a linear combination of \Sigma^{-1}E[X] and \Sigma^{-1}x so the two definitions of efficient portfolio agree.
Exercise. If \xi_0\not=\xi_1 are any two optimal portfolios then every optimal portfolio is a linear combination of \xi_0 and \xi_1.
Hint: \xi_0 = a\Sigma^{-1}x + b\Sigma^{-1}E[X] and \xi_1 = c\Sigma^{-1}x + d\Sigma^{-1}E[X] for some a,b,c,d\in\mathbf{R} with ad - bc\not=0.
The Capital Asset Pricing model assumes there are two optimal portfolios, one having variance 0 and the other is called the market portfolio. If \operatorname{Var}(R_\zeta) = 0 then \zeta\cdot X is a constant which we may assume is 1. This is called a zero coupon bond and \zeta\cdot x = 1/R_\zeta is its initial price, called the discount. Let \mu\in\mathbf{R}^I be the market portfolio with \mu\cdot x = 1.
Every optimal portfolio \xi can be written as \xi = \alpha\zeta + \beta\mu for some \alpha,\beta\in\mathbf{R} and we may assume \xi\cdot x = 1 so 1 = \xi\cdot x = \alpha/R_\zeta + \beta and R_\zeta = \alpha + \beta R_\zeta. Taking a dot product with X in \xi = \alpha\zeta + \beta\mu gives R_\xi = \alpha + \beta R_\mu hence R_\xi - R_\zeta = \beta(R_\mu - R_\zeta).
Exercise. Show \beta = \operatorname{Cov}(R_\xi,R_\mu)/\operatorname{Var}(R_\mu).
Hint: \operatorname{Cov}(R_\xi - R_\zeta, R_\mu) = \operatorname{Cov}(\beta(R_\mu - R_\zeta), R_\mu).
The usual CAPM formula is E[R_\xi] - R_\zeta = \beta(E[R_\mu] - R_\zeta) but a much stronger result holds: there is an equality between random variables, not just their expectations.
If \Sigma is not invertible then there are redundent market instruments. These can be removed to ensure \Sigma is invertible.